Travel Agent SELECT Program

All hosted spots for 2025 have been filled. Visit to learn about our other hosted openings!


Apply Today for your chance to be a recognized Travel Agent SELECT delegate!

Interested in our Travel Agent SELECT tiered hosted program? This exclusive program offers travel sellers with a verifiable global book of business that meet a $1 Million threshold in annual sales. Travel Agent SELECT benefits include:

  • Travel Expense Scholarship
  • Hotel Accommodations
  • Recognition as a Travel Agent SELECT delegate
  • Private event experiences

All Travel Agent SELECT delegates are chosen through a stringent application process that will evaluate and confirm sales volume, year-to-year growth, and overall position as a trusted Travel Agent.


Please use proper capitalization. This information will be used on your Forum badge.


Please ensure all questions are answered and your application is complete before submitting. Incomplete applications will be denied.

*Hold down CTRL key and click on each item to choose multiple items
*Hold down CTRL key and click on each item to choose multiple items
*Hold down CTRL key and click on each item to choose multiple items
Supplier Reference #1
Supplier Reference #2
Agent Reference